The messy middle

The "deep swamp of despair" phase of creating change has held me up... a dose of my own medicine

· Friday Afternoon Thought

I've been a bit quiet for a couple of months, working on something new. There's been a protracted "messy middle".

Working away on my own for so long, reminded me it wasn't always so. Remembering some of the lovely people I've worked with in the past, I went back to the exercise on 3 words they would say about me, and why.

There was a mix of: clear, experienced, pragmatic, funny..
And several along the lines of: "thoughtful", actually explaining, "too thoughtful".

So, I'm now clear that I'm a experienced, pragmatic, funny overthinker.

Less is more.

Really wanting to get my new business offer out there... but you'll all have to wait till next week now while I finish overthinking.