A new guiding word
Never one to conform to the 'right' time to do things (celebrating birthdays and anniversaries being exceptions), my new Guiding Word crept up on me earlier this week, not waiting for the arbitrary date of a New Year.
The onset of autumn does feel like a new chapter, to me anyway.
I gave up new year resolutions many years ago - they did not serve me and felt like setting myself up to fail.
What I have taken up is a Guiding Thought, a word or phrase that helps frame how I go about things.
The most recent one has been "simplify", which has served me so well it's become embedded in everything.
Over the last almost a year being precariously self-employed due to my health scare, working on my own much of the time, the Guiding Word of CONNECTION has bubbled itself to the top.
Life is finite and connections are how I'm going to make the most of it.
Valuing and reconnecting with people I already know, making new connections, networks.
Connecting people together and connecting ideas together to create something new.
Today I'm on my way to see a friend going through a much worse time than I had with cancer.
What does connection mean for you?
Do get in touch if you'd like to connect!